SperanZa Security

Application Penetration Testing

Application Penetration Testing

In today’s technology-driven world, institutions have become critically dependent on applications for the day-to-day running of their business. Due to the very nature of Internet based-applications they are globally accessible and easily probed, attacked or manipulated from anywhere at any time resulting in software security increasingly becoming one of the most pressing issues facing any organization today.

Web applications are one of the most significant points of vulnerability in organizations today and composes over 50% of the testing at SperanZa-Security. Holes in applications have resulted in the theft of millions of credit card details, major financial loss and damaged reputations for thousands of companies. The number of computers compromised by visiting web sites altered by attackers, is just too high to count.

At SperanZa-Security we understanding that your organization may not have all the resources or capability to implement a successful and comprehensive security strategy and that’s why our team of specialist consultants are an excellent choice to work alongside your security team to ensure your systems are secure while still driving business results.

Application Penetration Testing is an "ethical attack" intended to reveal the effectiveness of an application's security controls by highlighting risks posed by actual exploitable vulnerabilities. SperanZa-Security offers a number of application penetration testing services including:

  • Web Application Penetration Testing.
  • Web Services Penetration Testing.
  • Mobile Application Penetration Testing.
  • Secure Code Review.